The world through my distorted lens... a distorted world through my lens.


Football is a beautiful game. We all know that right. Yet, most times, we permit sentiments to cloud our eyes. Which gives us only but a blurry vision of this beautiful game. Sentiment is emotional. It not only clouds one's eyes but one's judgement as well. I have observed, no matter how good a team plays, one doesn't appreciate such team's effort, simply because of sentiments.  Same reason, a Barcelona fan doesn't see the genius in Ronaldo. Same reason a die hard Madridsta will never agree Messi is a prime candidate for greatest-player-ever. 

This new season, I pledge to watch football without sentiments. Instead of wishing a team hard luck over the span of an hour and half match duration, I will rather wish the better team wins.  It doesn't make me any less a Chelsea fan. I simply need to appreciate the excellent round of football. 

I'll try as much not to beef rival teams. The likes of Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester clubs and Arsenal - a derby and rival team. Admittedly, the beef comes naturally. Expecially in league matches, where a rival's loss is another's gain. Also, naturally comes the soothing relief, when a rival team's loss complements my team's prior loss. 

However, according to my new philosophy, sentiments should be eliminated during the ninety minutes match interval. I'll stick to this philosophy regardless of my team's performance. This will be difficult, but I'll attempt. It is my new season resolution.

There are many great managers in this new EPL season, geniuses, you may say. They have come with their player-mercenaries. All gunning for one title. The English Premier League.  The competition promises to be very stiff. Very stiff!
Having said that, I don't expect Conte, Chelsea FC manager, to win the league. But if he does, I celebrate; if he doesn't, I'd say next season. I just hope Roman  doesn't axe him if the latter is the case.

Lest I forget, please and please. No one should remind me of last season's nightmare. This new season is as fresh as the morning wine. It needs no contamination in any capacity.

The weekends will henceforth change course. There will be lots of talking points. Lots of mind blowing moments. Lots of fun. The wait is over. EPL is here!



After having a long and stressful day at work, I came back home, exhausted and hungry. Why must Mondays always be this mean?

Without pulling off my clothes, I swiftly dashed into the kitchen, from where my help cometh from.
I rolled up my sleeves, and washed my hands. Then I started inspecting the pots. The first pot was empty and clean, the second was empty and shining. Those were the only pots on the gas cooker. I had lost hope of finding any cooked solid food in the kitchen, but there was a voice, a tiny voice inside, telling me to check the pot on the floor beside the gas cooker. I was conservative of energy so instead of bending down to open the pot, I skeptically kicked it with one leg.  The thing made an empty barrel noise, turned and rolled freely in a semi circular path, dropping its cover along to reveal its empty content to my weary eyes. Damn!

Feeling disappointed, but optimistic,  I went over to the fridge.
At all at all I must see bread.
But surprisingly, there was no bread. Not even fruits or any food drink. Quite queer.
The items I saw in the fridge were: one bottle of salad cream, one opened tin tomato, fresh vegetable leaves and plenty sachet water. All well arranged in strategic positions that made the fridge look full, but to me the fridge was stark empty.

The tiny voice spoke up again. This time, it suggested I checked the freezer. I diligently opened the freezer and my eyes was fixated on a white bowl with a lid inscription: "Golden North  vanilla cream ...  1 litre... Keep refrigerated". Aha!

Alas! Something to quench the hunger and cool off the exhaustion. I didn't know how the ice cream got there or who kept it there, but this definitely wasn't the time to ask questions or seek answers.

I picked an iron spoon from the cutlery set, with which I'd use to murder the content of the ice cream, then I proceeded to the parlour.
I sat down and tried opening the ice cream lid. It was difficult to open initially, but after a hunger induced aggressive effort, the lid came off  and I saw iced-egusi soup inside the ice cream bowl. WTF!

My eyes practically popped out. Huh!

All these series of unlucky events must be orchestrated by someone, I thought. So I started looking out for hidden cameras. Maybe MTV base were trying to prank me.

I didn't find any hidden cameras, so I guess some days are like that.

Thanks for reading.
Happy new week.
Happy new month.


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