The world through my distorted lens... a distorted world through my lens.

The Most Awkward Thing I've Done In Church

I woke up at 5:30AM, brushed my teeth, took my bath, got dressed up on my well ironed native attire, gold colour wristwatch and necklace (emphasis on the colour, not the metal), fragrant perfume and black shiny pair of shoe. Having cut my hair the previous day, my hair was low and the razor sharp carvings were very visible. I looked at the mirror and all it reported was my magnificent reflection. I was looking sharp. I need not ask anyone how I was looking, I was very confident my outfit fitted me flawlessly.

I grabbed my Bible, hymn book and my phone as well. I usually don't go with hymn book, but since today was a special Sunday, I decided to give it a go. In all exuberance, I matched emphatically to church. I still was double minded about going with my phone though, of what use would it be?

I got to church quite early enough. So I decided to sit in the main auditorium. Of recent, it has been something of a habit to always sit outside the main auditorium, in the corridors owing to my late coming. But all that was about to change as I perched on an unoccupied extreme of the 4th pew. I don't seem to know why people prefer sitting on the extremes of a pew. I wasn't going to change that practice anyway.

Having secured a place among the front seats, I was able to have an unobstructed view of the altar. The choir stand was adjacent to my position, so close that I could hear the choir master mumble "hymn number 5" without using the mic. I opened my hymn book and joined the choir in the entrance hymn.
Soon the bell rang and the mass began.

Everything was going smoothly until the offertory collection. Towards the conclusion of the collection, I began noticing something funny. I was dozing. The nap came in series, one after another, with each lasting about 45 seconds. I tried fighting it. Honestly, I tried. I came up with a make shift plan by trying to bat my eyelids continuously until the sleep flew. And it seemed to work. Anytime I felt my eyelids were coming close like unlike poles of a magnet, I'd just blink, blink and blink again until the sleep varnished.

That remedy was short lived.

What followed next were series of prayers that demanded the whole congregation to stand, sit and kneel down at intervals. The next thing I heard was,
"let us pray",
the whole congregation including me stood up in unison to pray.
And that was it.

Soon afterwards, my upper eyelids gradually but steadily started migrating downwards. At that moment, I couldn't keep it from coming closer, even a force of 100K Newton would have stood no chance in keeping them apart. So I gave in to sleeping. What I had in mind was just to take a light nap for about 3-4 minutes; but I couldn't afford to appear sleepy before the 3 young beautiful ladies that sat by me ( I have a prestige to keep), so I placed my hands together and lifted it up to my chest region to put up a perfect disguise, appearing as if though I was praying... and then off my mind went on a voyage to dreamland. The next thing I witnessed was me dreaming about how the mass ended and I was exchanging pleasantries with my friends, taking selfies... I think I even bought roadside ice cream and buns.

All these happened a midst the prayer session that was ongoing, and of course the congregation standing up, sitting down, kneeling and standing again when due, yet I was still standing and sleeping.

The communion time came and passed, the second offertory came and passed as well... I was still standing and sleeping.

After what seemed like 30minutes, a church usher tapped twice on my shoulder, then I woke up, my hands were still glued together . For a split second, I had no Idea of what, when or where I was. In a bid to revive consciousness, I closed my eyes tight, sniffing, rubbing the back of my palm against my nostrils and shaking my head simultaneously, then I opened my eyes again, they were red, the usher must have seen the red eyes which made him grin a bit. He said he had been tapping on my shoulders for a while now, and he was on the 15th count before I woke up. That was when I realized I had been sleeping while standing (the rest of the congregation were long sited).

The intensity of the whole scenario became clearer when I noticed the young man on the altar side delivering the church's announcement (prayers and other rites were long concluded and lastly, announcement), from the look of things, he was about concluding. As if something was waiting for me to see at the back, I turned around, lo and behold the multitudes, a million and one eyes of both familiar and unfamiliar faces were all glued at me. Like a celebrity in the disapproving sense of it. Their mouths were not moving but I could hear them speak - thanks to their wide-open eyes blaring at me with teetering revile, it did all the talking. As I turned around trying to avoid the unavoidable eye contacts, my lower jaw dropped ajar as if the screw that kept it in place was loosened, the more I turned, the wider my mouth was opened in bewilderment. I noticed that I actually was the center of attention, every direction I looked at, I saw nothing but pair of eyes fixated at me; eyes on CWO uniforms, eyes on CMO uniforms, the choristers and even the 3 young beautiful ladies that sat by me weren't left out. There were eyes every where I turned.
The look of mischief on the faces of the children on the upper layer of the church building suggested something funnier occurred, could it be that I was staggering, dangling involuntarily from one position to another while sleeping? or did I snore?...

That was when I wished rapture would occur, no no no, "mba", not rapture, not now please; Instead I wished had the powers to manipulate time, to time-travel.


3000 AD

No signal!  Initiating UV mode.. Scanning. Scanning.. signal found.
location: 30.43° East, 15.01°North...

Buildings are characterized by their amorphous shapes, numbers and magnificent height which is  paramount to housing the teeming human population. Buildings aren't  made of bricks nor blocks - that's archaic- rather, they were made of crystalline (glass like)  materials that are bulletproof and of great tensile strength.

Quantum chromodynamics is applied in the construction industry that has  made it common for buildings to literally glow in the dark,  in different colours after absorbing the Sun's white light during the day. In the dark from high afar, a city's form looks like a constellation of tightly packed stars gleaming with different myriads of bright colours.

The city is filled with people who came to witness the unveiling of the world's first time machine. It  is  reported that this first version of the time machine can travel as far back as twenty years when the universal data - time-stamp satellite (DTS) was launched. THE DTS records every detail of every activities that are occurring in every part of the world. Even in deep caves,  remote villages, deserts and oceans.   The time machine is designed to work with the DTS so that a Humanoid can literally travel back in time. 

After the unveiling, many people returned to their respective abodes in sonic speed UVMs, while some wealthier ones teleported. The world government has done a good job in restricting teleportation only to the elites.
-Good job huh?-

I was still virtually present at the unveiling ground when someone in my room tapped me, as a reflex action, I disconnected the televirtual lens. The televirtual lens is like a swimming goggle. It operates just like the television; difference is, with the televirtual lens, you choose what you want to see at anyplace and anytime, while in the case of a television, there's a limitation to what you can see - you see only what the cameraman wants you to see.
For security reasons however, some places were disabled for televirtual presence.

The person who tapped me wanted me to configure his newly bought PC. I just spoke a few commands and the thing was up and running. Yes I spoke to it. Keyboard and mouse are now obsolete. PCs now come with inbuilt peripheral devices that enables users to input data and issue control via the mind. Originally designed for people who are physically challenged, it has gained massive entrance into the market as people preferred it to manual data input devices like touch screen pad and virtual data input. Also, computer systems now process information like a biological human brain. No longer in binary i.e zeros and ones. This means no more Assemblers, interpreters or compilers. This feature which was introduced in the 91st computer generation has made PCs more human friendly and faster as the overhead of compiling was eliminated.

Another determining factor for a  PC's speed and improved performance was the unlimited storage device which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information and the introduction of laser technology to replace the concept of transistors in the manufacture of chip sets like the CPU chip.Did I mention RAM was extinct?

House appliances like light LEDs, sound systems, TVs, micro waves, Phones, PDAs, PCs etc were all nuke powered. Each with an inbuilt nuclear cell with enough energy to power each device till the device's lifespan.
So there was absolutely no need for in-house electrical wiring. In fact, wires are  fizzled out. Everything is cordless.

UVMs (ultra vehicular movement) are also nuke powered. UVMs can be compared to what was known as cars about one thousand years ago, but UVMs unlike cars were not limited to the ground alone, they don't use internal combustion engines, thus there is zero CO2 emission.
Green environment. To further clarify, everything ranging from non-biodegradable wastes to nuclear wastes are been recycled.

Venus and Mars has been terraformed and has long been a habitat for humanity. In fact in sports news, humans in Venus would be playing the Venus football cup final and in a fortnight, Venus-11 will play to host Earth-11 in an interplanetary match. Football, just like other sports are strictly human exercises. The humanoids are not allowed to participation. 

Humanoids are almost like humans in everything but the spiritual, biological and their characteristic blue colours.
They have taken over fields like medicine, agriculture, engineering, astronomy, military etc. All the aforementioned fields have recorded tremendous breakthroughs in twenty-five years, since the humanoids took over. More than ten times the total achievements recorded by man since civilisation.

Quantum inoculation has gotten rid of all diseases, Human longetivity has been increased dramatically. Cataclysmic asteroids averted, ozone layer replenished... 

However, despite the quantum leap in computer science, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, humankind were still plagued with disasters mainly Israeli - Arabian cyber war and artificial viruses. Artificial viruses stem from an unholy competition between rival OEM companies. These artificial viruses mutated to biologicals and affects not only  the Humanoids but Humans as well.

An artificial neural network connects everything, ranging from PDAs to Humanoids and even Humans via human interfaces. Each device is a node
of the neural network. Some conspiracy theories have it that the artificial neural spine has a consciousness of it's own and hence subliminally manipulative of the Human mind.

Back to reality, this epistle is getting too long, please forgive my loose pen. (yawns)
I just projected my thoughts to one thousand years from now.
It may sound funny, awkward, unrealistic or even unreasonable but the truth is, solitary fictional thoughts aren't totally discarded by me.


Hello and welcome.

You are most welcome to my blog. Please bear in mind that all stories in this blog are the intellectual property of the author, no post herein in part or full should be used elsewhere without the prior authorization of the author. Shun plagiarism. All rights reserved.

Stories here can be both fictional and non-fictional; in the case of a non-fictional story, fictional characters and aliases may be employed where necessary. Readers discretion is duly advised.

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